Instructor Directory

Welcome to Grand Master Mantak Chia's UHT Instructor Directory.....

Please take some time to study your options. We have renewed the database and adapted it to new needs.

 1. 'by Location' : 

    ► Countries with UHT Instructors... start typing your country and choose yours by ►clicking in the dropdown list, the map will change (slow internet = slow changes) your country will appear.  If there are UHT Instructors in your country, bubbles with numbers will appear. Scroll to enlarge the section where you are searching, scroll more and the bubbles with numbers disappear and change into Ba Gua's (= our UHT logo) ►Click on a Ba Gua and the UHT Instructor's contact data will appear.

    ► City ... start typing your city, if your city is not offered in the dropdown list, that means no UHT Instructor lives in or arround your city. Scroll to enlarge the map section of your country (if there are no bubbles with numbers, that means no UHT Instructor lives in your country, we are sorry). If there are UHT Instructors in your country, bubbles with numbers will appear. Scroll to enlarge the section where you are searching, scroll more and the bubbles with numbers disappear and change into Ba Gua's (Pakua's) ►Click on a Ba Gua and the UHT Instructor's contact data will appear. Associate

No UHT Instructor arround ? Have a look at Workshops in "Healing Arts" or join  ► Grand-Master Mantak Chia on his yearly worltour

2. 'by Healing Art' :

    ► Instructor level ... click and choose any Instructor level
             Senior -, Certified-, or Associate Instructor for any basic teachings
             Inner Alchemy Astrology for chart reading of Mantak Chia's horoscope
             Chi Nei Tsang® for our energy massage and detox system
             Cosmic Healing for our body-mind-soul energy balancing system
             Inner Alchemy for our advanced meditation system

    ► Certification level... click and choose any certification level     

3. "by name" :

.....and, don't forget to smile (Mantak Chia)

Instructors found

Honorary Positions

Instructor Levels

Some of the certifications are still in progress


Some of the certifications are still in progress


No address available

