Instructor Directory

Dear Students, Dear Tao Seekers, Dear Mantak Chia Fans......

here you can find the present valid UHT documents for all 5 Healing Arts / Branches ....and our UHT Tao Passport to record your training prgress (print out version).

Questions ?  Please contact your national UHT Country Coordinator or Tao Garden Team or use with pleasure in 'Help' our 'Contact Form'. No login data ? please use the Contact Form. Forgot your password ?  Please have a look to our (D) Members Operation Manual of the Global Instructor Directory

With respect to Grandmaster Mantak Chia


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The file 01_020c_new_education_path_2022.pdf was not found. Please make sure the filename is correct.

Instructors found

Honorary Positions

Instructor Levels

Some of the certifications are still in progress


Some of the certifications are still in progress


No address available

